Here is a basic mail sequence for authors.
Mail 1: Share a freebee and mention a few things about your self.
Mail 2: Check in about the freebee and share one short personal story. (2-3 days later)
Mail 3: Send ppl to social media and tell a deeper story about you. (6-7 days after first mail)
Mail 4: Describe how much your book means to you and ask people to buy it. (10-14 days after first mail)
Mail 5: Tell them how much you love free things and send them to your Streat Team/Launch/ARC Team Sign Up (17-21 days after first mail). Send dem til en separat liste for at signe op der. This is a secondary landing page with a separate list for your closest readers. This is where many authors say: Still two slots left. Hurry up! You won’t see me do that!
In my case I chose to focus on Beta Readers in mail 5 instead of ARC Readers. Simply because I have no Beta Readers! ARC readers is the next step. When Beta Reader has given you all necessary feed back and your book is ready for market you need ARC Readers. They are going to promote the book for you and create reviews on Goodreads and man other places.
Mail 6: Is a heart wrenching story about the foundation of my writing – which is the ginormous sufferings in trafficking and it is describing my writing process related to this. So far there is no links in this mails and I think I will use it solely to connect with the reader.
I will continue writing mails until I have a foundation for creating an Advanced Reader Copy Group. So more mails will be added here.
Mail 1
Header:❤️Free eBook
Hi %first_name%,
Thank You Sooooooo much for signing up for Lethal Business – Bangkok Special – Your Free eBook!
This book will give you a taste of what you can expect from my books.
What do you think drives people to commit horrible crimes?
What is going on in a criminal mind?
Why do we go to war?
How can we overcome our fears and heal the world – and ourselves?
What is the meaning of Life?
My novels explore these questions and with a little help from my Zen-sister we also explore the dark mysteries of human psychology.
What motivates some people to do good and others not.
Our journey together has begun! I sincerely hope it will be as exciting for you as it will for me, and here is what you can expect from me:
Free Stories
Yes! I give you free stories. My passion is writing so why not? Readers say they love my novels for their blunt, honest and sarcastic suspense, emotional peaks, lovely characters, and Zen endings.
You’ll get a taste of all that in the free story that’s on its way to your inbox. Enjoy!
New Releases
Be the first to know about my new books! I’ll email you shortly before and after the release.
Updates: Once in a while I’ll send an email with updates about new books, giveaways, surveys, thrillers I’ve enjoyed, etc.
Now you know a little about me, but I still don’t know anything about you!
Feel free to hit reply ( on this mail and say hi. Let me know where you live, how you discovered my novels, and what books you like. I love to hear from all of you!
I don’t have a secretary so I will read and respond to every email personally.
Check my books on Amazon here!
One Love!
Mail 3
Header:❓Did you get your ebook?
Hi %first_name%,
Did you get it? Did you get Lethal Business?
Just checking if you got the book! You probably haven’t read it yet! But I attached it here just in case you didn’t receive it.
An eight year old German girl snatched on the Chatuchak Market in Bangkok.
Takes less than three seconds, but doing it next to Debra, Lenora or Angelica three seconds isn’t fast enough!
Follow us hunting down a local trafficking ring!
Once you read it let me know what you think. Just reply to this mail!
Happy reading!
One Love!
Mail 3
⚠️My books are based on the fastest growing criminal enterprise the world has ever seen!
Hi %first_name%,
I am very passionate about fighting trafficking!
Trafficking is the second-largest criminal movement today and the fastest-growing!
The sufferings women and children are exposed to when trafficked are horrible and impossible to describe.
We all know one of the fundamental laws of economy.
If there is a demand someone will try to make money on the supply.
As the saying goes: See a need – Fill a need!
And some people just don’t stop before modern slavery!
They value money more than life!
They couldn’t care less about suffering – as long as it’s not them selves who suffer!
My job is to fight trafficking! With everything I got!
Go to TikTok and follow me there.
Go to Facebook and join my reader group here.
Go to Pinterest and check me out:
Go to Instagram and follow me here:
One Love!
Mail 4
❤️Writing is my Passion. What is yours?
Hi %first_name%,
Recently I got contacted by the MI6. That’s actually not the first time. This time they wanted me to know my DNA was registered in one of their (probably secret) databases. But they were nice! Because I wasn’t a convicted felon they couldn’t legally store my information – the letter said. Which immediate lead my focus to what they wrote between the lines: They could store my data illegally!
Knowing my government I am pretty sure that’s what they do all the time – just in case.
The interesting part is they do a thorough DNA analysis so I got curious and used my Freedom Of Information Act 2000 rights to find out what they had on me.
It took more than a month to get access.
And you know what?
I got a long list with gene identifiers they use to distinguish people from each other. Apart from that it was rather uninteresting, but I got curious.
So I contacted one of these online companies that do genetic analysis. They can find your relatives. Also thousands of years back in time.
It took only three weeks to get my results.
The interesting part here was I have a few genes that are over developed!
Some clergy had noted a comment below one of the spectrograms:
“Abnormality in genes NRG1 and COMT. Creative genes gone rogue! Subject must be a musician, author or philosopher.”
I AM an author!
The main job of NRG1 is to encourage the growth and development of brain cells. Research has shown a clear connection between the NRG1 gene and the ability to be creative. Makes sure a larger diversity of brail cells are developed.
COMT is something about increased Dopamine which also is connected to creativity.
We all know now that genes are only a blueprint. In fact not even that. They CAN be changed!
We all have it. But if we don’t use it it fades!
If we use it, we grow!
I KNOW for a fact that every single human being on the planet is born with a purpose. That exact purpose drives you closer to who you REALLY are! So find it and exercise the skills to support your purpose!
Exercising your true skills is healing!
The characteristics surrounding your purpose are:
- The deeper you sink into your purpose the more time cease to exist!
- You forget pretty much everything else.
- You are more relaxed inside and more happy!
- Anxiety disappears.
- You will discover Passion!
That was a long story! Sorry!
But if you still are with me and if you want to know what I am passionate about check out my book here. Dirty Business.
One Love!
Mail 5
❓Want all my books for FREE?
Hi %first_name%,
I am a sucker for free stuff! I think most people are!
In my private group, I share my books for FREE with a very limited audience BEFORE I publish them. This is because I like to hear what people think about my books.
Maybe you have suggestions or feedback? Maybe there is something you don’t like? Or maybe there is something you want more of?
In this group, you talk and I listen!
In return, you get my books in PDF or EPUB format.
I know a lot of people want physical books. And I am probably going to send a paperback to people who are serious about giving feedback. Because the book itself might need changes.
If you want to join my Beta Reader Team you can sign up here and I will send you the books on mail. And please join the Facebook Group here.
One Love!
Mail 6
❤️Want all my books for FREE?
Hi %first_name%
Countless moons have cast light upon my nightly adventures, marking the passage of time, and in their silent dance, I poured my heart into the pages of “Dirty Business.” It was a labour of six long years, six years filled with passion, pain, and unyielding determination. A year has slipped away since I dared to share those raw, unfiltered emotions with the world.
Now, as I immerse myself in the ink-stained tapestries of the second and third books in the series, I confess: my tales aren’t intricately woven fantasies spun from whimsy. No, they are something far more profound. They are the echoes of real lives, the cries of the silenced, woven meticulously into the fabric of fiction. Each word is a thread of truth, each page a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
In every line, I see the faces of those who have suffered, the voices that have been stifled, and the souls that have endured. Their stories, though masked in the guise of fiction, are achingly real. Each sentence bears the weight of their struggles, their triumphs, and their unwavering hope for a better tomorrow.
With every stroke of the pen, I breathe life into characters inspired by the brave souls I’ve encountered on this journey. Their pain is my pain, their strength fuels my determination. For in these pages, I find solace, purpose, and the unwavering belief that storytelling can spark a revolution of empathy, compassion, and understanding.
So, as I continue to weave these narratives, I do so with a heart heavy with the burden of truth and a spirit lifted by the power of storytelling. In every chapter, I strive to honour the resilience of those whose stories deserve to be told, even in the guise of fiction. Their courage guides my pen, their voices echo in my words, and their legacy lives on in the pages of my books.
Whit heartfelt gratitude this particularly applies to the silent voices who are no longer among us.
One Love!